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  • New leader vows to make city centre improvements
  • Calls to make Sandy Ryan the Freedom of Derby get huge backing
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New leader vows to make city centre improvements

By Local Democracy Reporter Nigel Slater

Derby City Council’s new leader Baggy Shanker has said his new Labour team will “get on with the job” to “restore people’s pride” in the city centre.

But there could be a fresh announcement on the current and Government-funded plans to replace the Assembly Rooms, he has revealed.

In his first interview since being elected the leader of the authority, Councillor Shanker told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) that improving Derby city centre was one of his biggest priorities moving forward as he moves into the political hot seat.

Labour officially took control of Derby City Council from the Conservatives on Wednesday and will be running the authority for at least the next four years following local elections held earlier this month. They take over with a minority leadership, with the council not in the overall control of one political party.

In his first speech, Cllr Shanker said a new “task force” was to be set up to help improve the city centre.

He said being in office for at least four years was Labour’s chance to “seize the opportunity”.

The newly-elected leader of the council said: “It’s no secret that Derby city centre has steadily been declining for many years. Gimmicky projects like turning water fountains on one week and turning them off two weeks later thinking people haven’t noticed are not going to cut it for me or or the people of Derby.

“We’ve said many times that we need to bring businesses and residents using the city centre together and set aside dome priorities, make sure funding is available to deliver and get on with the job. Vibrancy needs to be restored to the city centre, confidence needs to be restored to the city centre and we need to increase footfall. Too many projects have just not moved.

“Five years the Tories said they would reopen the Assembly Rooms. But it looks now exactly how it did five years ago, just more delipidated than it was. It’s been a total failure, total mismanagement of the project and that’s what has to be stopped.”

Cllr Shanker was then asked if he was committed to the new Assembly Rooms project which would see a new theatre built in its place. The project has been given £20million by the Government’s Levelling Up funding to get the ball rolling.

The new leader said in response: “On the day it was announced when there were photos being taken, I urged caution. £20m will not cut it to replace the Assembly Rooms. £20m is probably a fraction of what is needed. In my view, it was the wrong bid (Levelling Up) to put in but we will review what money is available and what the scope of the project is and then we will make an announcement on how we will take that forward. But my concern is £20m is nowhere enough to deliver the new Assembly Rooms.”

Heading the city centre task force will be the council’s new deputy leader and fellow Sinfin councillor Nadine Peatfield. Cllr Peatfield will also lead on regeneration, culture and tourism.

Calls to make Sandy Ryan the Freedom of Derby get huge backing

By Local Democracy Reporter Nigel Slater

The chances of Derby’s boxing superstar Sandy Ryan being honoured with the freedom of the city have taken a huge step forward after receiving major support from councillors.

A motion to give the 29-year-old one of the city’s highest accolades received unanimous backing at Derby City Council’s annual general meeting on Wednesday.

Ryan made national headlines recently when she was crowned WBO welterweight champion after beating opponent Marie Pier Houle on points.

The passed council vote does not necessarily mean it is a done deal yet. There would have to be another vote passed at a specially convened meeting as that is the procedure to award such an honour.

But councillors want to ensure this procedure is more straightforward compared to the motion passed last year which called for former Derby County manager Wayne Rooney to be given the Freedom of Derby.

However, 12 months on and despite the motion being passed, the plans for granting him the Freedom of Derby have not materialised. This is likely to be because the former Rams boss now works in the USA.

The Sandy Ryan motion, moved by Liberal Democrat leader Ajit Atwal, received overwhelming support from councillors across all political parties.

Liberal Democrat councillor Emily Lonsdale said: “Sandy is a young woman who already has achieved so much and done so much to represent Derby on the world stage. If you back this motion you are not just acknowledging a remarkable young person who fully deserves this honour but you are making history.

“(If this goes ahead) Sandy will be the first woman to receive Freedom of the City (of Derby) ever. And as this is the city’s highest honour that is a disgrace. I hope Sandy will not be the only woman to hold this honour.”

Conservative councillor Jerry Pearce said he had known Sandy for around 17 years when he noticed she was a talented young footballer before making her move into boxing.

Talking about her recent career, Cllr Pearce said: “An opportunity for the WBO Welterweight title came up and the girl from Alvaston did us proud. The fight to unify all the belts in the division is next on the cards for our Sandy – a Derby girl through and through. A great ambassador for the sport and a role model for young girls who are following her into boxing. I can’t think of anyone more worthy to receive this honour. Our group will fully back this motion.”

Liberal Democrats leader Ajit Atwal, who raised the motion, added: “Like I’ve said Sandy is not a Wayne Rooney. She’s not disappearing because she’s one of our own. She’s Derby born and bred.”

Labour councillor Hardyal Dhindsa also pledged his and the party’s support to the motion, saying the honour would be a “proud moment” for the city. He said: “It is really pleasing to see one of our own from the city of Derby getting to this high position and success. May she go from strength to strength.

Giving her reaction to the motion recently, Miss Ryan said: “Wow. That is massive and such exciting news. I’m shocked. It’s really nice because this shows Derby people are getting behind me.

“I am always trying to put Derby on the map. This would be a massive achievement if I was to be given Freedom of the City.”

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